Grim dawn reaper of the lost
Grim dawn reaper of the lost

grim dawn reaper of the lost

  • With the Valbury update adds Possessed Archmages to this group.
  • grim dawn reaper of the lost

    I believe that something went wrong in the beginning when I opened my last 75SR portal. I must add that I played GD and SR a lot and this strange issue has never happened before. I played with my purifier with the following build link: Purifier, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator. I successfully completed 80SR in time and then collected my reward. The shard timer wasn’t out in both incidents. Only one of them should be active in the first incident. The Oleron and Vire buffs were active in the second incident. The chunk monster counter wasn’t complete and the portal to the next chunk did not appear. Neither of them happened at the fourth chunk boss room. One should have happened in 75 or 76 and the other one in 79. The instant deaths of RotL happened on diferent shard levels. Instead, there was a celestial shattered soul left at his place.

    grim dawn reaper of the lost

    I could not find him when I went to his location. I’m describing the bug as instant death because his nemesis marker with his name tag was visible on the map before I approached him to fight. It came up with the following seven mutators: Swift, Aetherwarped, Leeching, Corrupted, Exposed, Crippling, Drained I used a celestial waystone to open 75SR. All I can try to give some additional details though I doubt that most of them will be relevant. Howerver, it happened “twice” to the same boss in the same SR run on different shards. I wondered how I can describe this bug when it happened for the first time because I didn’t have any video record of this strange issue and I doubted that people will believe me or take my bug report seriously. Actually, RotL died in shattered realm but I did not attack it and the SR monster counter wasn’t complete.

    Grim dawn reaper of the lost